Convention and Exhibition Industry in the Context of Digitalization Trends and Development Problems


Currently, the convention and exhibition industry is at the stage of active development. Despite the events related to the impact of the pandemic on all fields of life and activity of society, new commercial and non-profit organizations continue to appear in the industry, whose activities are aimed at the development and implementation of projects of various formats, directions and levels. The purpose of the study is to identify trends and problems in the development of the congress and exhibition industry under the conditions of the digitalization of the economy. In the course of this research, a comparative characteristic and assessment of the state of the market of the congress and exhibition industry during the period of pre-covid restrictions was carried out, the dynamics of events in the market of congress and exhibition services is presented. As a result of the study, an analysis of the formats of project implementation and directions of activities for the period 2020-2021, a hierarchy of project implementation formats is presented. In addition, the study demonstrated the total number of events depending on the direction of their implementation as a percentage of all formats of implementation, the comparison by the average number of participants and the average cost of registration fees.