The online publication Technoeconomics publishes papers of a theoretical and applied nature that investigate the impact of various types of technologies (primarily ICT, new materials and in the field of management) on the dynamics of economic systems. The journal publishes works that analyze the dynamics of technological changes, their impact on the state of macro-and micro-economic systems, as well as technological, managerial and social innovations leading to changes in economic systems. The online publication particularly welcomes papers that use econometric and mathematical methods on the above topics and cover such fields, as Technological Evolution, Evolutionary economics, Innovation Process, Technological Forecasting, Digital Transformation. An important goal is to stimulate communication between researchers who are actively involved in the study of various aspects of the relationship between technological change and economic dynamics.
Aims and Scope
Latest issues
- 2024, Volume 3 Issue 4 Full text
- 2024, Volume 3 Issue 3 Full text
- 2024, Volume 3 Issue 2 Full text
- 2024, Volume 3 Issue 1 Full text