Digital transformation of trade: trends, stages and factors of digitalization at the sectoral level


This research aims to identify the key stages of digital transformation of trade. In the course of digitalization of the world economy, certain transformations are taking place at the level of all its sectors. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the result of the introduction of digital technologies is a complex transformation of economic models, which implies the formation of new management systems, business models, types of social attitudes and consumer societies, i.e. the digital transformation of the economy consisting of many sectors. However, it is important to realize that the emergence of new digital technologies and knowledge, the possibility of their application in different ways is reflected in the development of each individual industry, which indicates the relevance of this study. When studying the state of any industry at the current stage of economic development, we face the need to consider the process of its digital transformation. In this regard, analysts in the development of trading companies need to identify and systematize data on the sequence of stages of digital transformation in trade, as well as their content. In the process of the research the main directions and trends of digitalization of trade are considered, the interrelation of the factors of digitalization of the economy with the processes of development and digital transformation of world trade at the industry level is analyzed. As a result of the study, the author's vision of the main stages of digital transformation of trade is presented.